Lemon Jelly's Big Sex-Ed Quiz Night Out
When adults hear about Lemon Jelly's sex education work, they are always keen to talk about how to talk to their own kids about sex and really interesting conversations begin to happen and parents share their ideas and concerns. The Big Sex Ed Quiz Night Out makes those conversations happen on a bigger scale and gives us the chance to learn from each other. The nights are fun and involve quizzes about biology, health, popular culture, plus lesson activities that young people do in schools. There are resources to check out, and lots of opportunity to talk and laugh about what we get stuck on, what we worry about, and useful tips and ideas for talking to our kids about sex, relationships, health, etc. Lemon Jelly Quiz Nights are free with donations invited at the end if you find it fun or useful. Parents and carers are invited to get a team together or to just come in 1’s and 2’s and build a team when you arrive.. And to bring snacks and drinks - it’s important to stay hydrated :) Please get in contact if you would like to host a quiz night at your school or organisation. And keep an eye on our Facebook page for upcoming events www.facebook.com/lemonjellyyouthwork.org/?hc_ref=ARQ7BetV1w3jklN2wbwVwbO8Zbc7QGxhm-fqwXNGr6awz4-US9oNJqUYcvSYxdKaDA4 Feedback from parents: "I found last night - Fascinating. Insightful. Interesting. Thought provoking. Scary. Helpful. And lots more besides. Really really worthwhile." "A really interesting, fun, and thought-provoking evening. This stuff is super important." |